Emerging Leader Spotlight: Ariel Coleman

The Emerging Leaders program at KIPP Indy Public Schools supports excellent teachers in strengthening their leadership skills as they take on more advanced responsibilities in and outside of the classroom. Emerging Leaders participate in formal professional development designed to improve their ability to work effectively with others while working on a school-or region-wide project aligned to their career interests. Learn more about Ms. Ariel Coleman’s project as a 2022-2023 Emerging Leader.

What is your role at KIPP Indy?

Behavior Interventionist at Unite Elementary School

What are the details of your Emerging Leaders project?

I am working on a transition-to-work program for Legacy’s Certificate track students. This will provide a layout for students on the certificate of completion track. The goal is provide job exploration and post secondary opportunities for students with disabilities.

What do you hope to achieve with this project?

I hope to have a solidified vision for the program, and continuing to build the framework for the certificate track program at Legacy High School.

What motivated you to pursue this project?

Last year I served as the Certificate of Completion teacher at Legacy High School. I was hired to help build the framework for this program, and though I have transitioned to Unite, I still want to follow through with developing this program and supporting our students and families.

How will this project help our region See all Students?

I saw my students fall through the gaps in a lot of ways last year, and with Legacy High focusing on college and career plans for students, my students felt a lack of support because they are not going to college. This project will provide services to help my students have a plan once they graduate and will make sure all students are being served.


We are so grateful for the insight and perspective Ms. Coleman brings to KIPP Indy Public Schools.