The Emerging Leaders program at KIPP Indy Public Schools supports excellent teachers in strengthening their leadership skills as they take on more advanced responsibilities in and outside of the classroom. Emerging Leaders participate in formal professional development designed to improve their ability to work effectively with others while working on a school-or region-wide project aligned to their career interests. Learn more about Ms. Augusta Stoughton’s project as a 2022-2023 Emerging Leader.
What is your role at KIPP Indy?
Visual Arts Teacher at KIPP Unite Elementary and KICP
What are the details of your Emerging Leaders project?
I am working to revamp our electives program through greater recruiting, coaching, and support systems. KIPP will prioritize input from families, staff, and our Martindale Brightwood community to ensure we are giving every student a robust education outside of our core subjects like math and ELA.
What do you hope to achieve with this project?
Our school will be known for what it inspires, both in- and outside of the subjects that may appear in standardized tests. Through collaboration with core content and rigorous coaching of our electives teachers, our students will leave KIPP schools with skills that allow them to lead a life of choice, wherever their interests and passions take them.
What motivated you to pursue this project?
Subjects like Math, ELA, and Science have so much in common with electives subjects like art, dance, music, and PE. When collaboration and rigor exist in electives, everyone wins. This is especially true for our students and families.
How will this project help our region See all Students?
The project ensures that all students receive excellent content in their classes–whether that be music or geometry. By creating and supporting rigorous electives, we open doors of opportunity and exploration for every KIPPster.
We are so grateful for the insight and perspective Ms. Stoughton brings to KIPP Indy Public Schools.